DevGuru XHTML Reference
Click this link for a complete list of all
XHTML tags with descriptions and examples.
| XHTML Reference
This page offers a "must know" list of
important XHTML tags, and a more complete
alphabetical reference. |
W3C Index of Elements
From the folks who invented CSS and HTML,
this index lists both HTML and XHTML tags.
The items with a D in the Depr. column are
deprecated, meaning they're being phased
out. They don't exist in strict XHTML 1.1
and won't exist in future specifications
either. |
W3Schools HTML/XHTML Reference
Here's another alphabetical list of both
HTML and XHTML tags. Only the elements with
a "S" in the DTD column are supported in
strict XHTML. | CSS Reference
Here you'll find a "Must Know" list of CSS
properties followed by a more complete list
in alphabetical order. |
Web Design Group CSS Properties
Click this link for quick access to all of
the CSS organized by purpose. |
AddedBytes Cheat Sheets
For quick one-page printed lists of all the
CSS properties and XHTML tags, consider
printing the CSS Cheat Sheet (V2) and HTML
Cheat Sheet pages from this site. You'll
need Adobe Acrobat Reader for the pdf
versions. You can download Acrobat Reader
for free from |
GUIStuff CSS 2.1 Reference
You guessed it, another useful CSS reference
with properties listed both alphabetically
and by purpose. |
W3Schools CSS2 Reference
Here's a handy reference where you can try
some things out yourself, right at the site!
W3C Full Property Table
Brought to you by the folks who invented CSS,
here you'll find all the details on every
CSS property. |