Creating a Web site isn't easy. There's the technical side of
understanding everything CSS and XHTML have to offer and knowing
how to use them. Then there's the creative side of choosing what
to say and how to say it. Developing a look and feel for the
site is also largely a creative endeavor.
If you're still struggling with pulling it all together, I
encourage you to stick with it. I'll still be here for at least
a couple of weeks after the release date of the final exam. So
feel free to post any questions or problems in the Discussion
Area for Lesson 12.
If you're ahead of the game and already have some content on a
Web site, please post your site's URL in the Discussion Area for
this lesson. Tell us your personal tips and share your
challenges. I encourage all students to look at any sites posted
in the Discussion Area.
You now have a deeper understanding of CSS, XHTML, and the
issues facing professional Web developers everywhere. Armed with
your new knowledge, I encourage you to look into professional
Web development tools like Dreamweaver, Expressions Web, and
Microsoft Visual Web Developer. These tools allow you to create
pages and sites in a wysiwyg manner.
Wysiwyg (pronounced wizzy wig) is an acronym for what
you see is what you get. The Web development tools are not
an alternative to knowing CSS and XHTML. To the contrary, they
assume you know CSS and XHTML quite well. But they can
definitely make your time more productive by allowing you to
create pages without manually typing every single tag and CSS
style descriptor. In the Supplementary Material for this lesson,
I've provided links to relevant Web sites where you can learn