The divpractice.htm page you created in this lesson gave you a
chance to create and style a box. They say practice makes
perfect. So now would be a good time to try changing some other
stylistic features of that box.
Try different settings and options for the width, height,
background-color, border, color, padding, and margin-right style
properties in the <div> tag. If you use Internet Explorer,
double-click divpractice.htm to open it in your browser.
Then choose View > Source from Internet Explorer's
menu to open a copy in source view. Change the value for a
property. Then save that change. Then click Internet Explorer's
Refresh toolbar button to see the effect of that change.
When you do this, you don't need to have a specific goal in
mind. It would be better to just experiment with different
settings so you can get a feel for the exact effect of each
change you make. The more you practice, the easier it will be to
achieve specific goals later.