Like page headers and footers, columns usually contain content
that's the same on every page in your site. Now might be a good
time to start thinking about whether or not you want to use
columns and what you want to put in them. Use the layout.htm
page as your artist's canvas to experiment with different
Eventually, after you're happy with your layout.htm page, you
can use it as the general template for all new pages you create
for your site. That way, each new page will already contain all
the header, sidebar, and footer content.
To add headers, footers, and sidebar content to existing pages,
copy and paste appropriate tags from layout.htm into your
completed page. Make sure you put the div tags for the header
and sidebar, as well as the opening div tag for the main content
area, just below the <body> tag and above the content that's
already in your page.
Then copy and paste the closing tag for the main content area,
as well as the div tags for the page footer, into that existing
page. Make sure you place those tags below the existing content
in your page (but above the closing </body> and </html> tags.
Use the road map image from Chapter 5 as your guide.